Monday, February 25, 2013

Glazing and packing the kiln !

Spent a good part of the day glazing various pots and positioning them in the kiln.
After I have not fired the kiln for a while it takes me a firing to get back into the swing of things.
Remembering glaze thicknesses where to put certain pots, where the hottest parts of the kiln are
and remembering to put the cone in place !
One of the nice things about a smaller kiln is that one can load and fire quicker than a large kiln.
Therefore one can learn quicker the tricks, that are necessary to get the results you want.

Had some good news that my book is printed and I should be getting a copy tomorrow !
Bruce Dehnert my co author called me up and told me he was very pleased with it !
The book is a bargain at $20 on Amazon and comes with two DVD's..... preorder yours today as the price will go up!
Some images from the studio today.
Time to run a bath !


1 comment:

  1. That looks like a huge load to me, as i struggle to fill my 100 ltr. Electric kiln.

    Hope you'll have a good firing and may the kiln-gods be with you.

    Now I'll go hunting for your book.
